Why this card is awesome: Because this card is just like Chris Brown's, clearly taken at the same time. Both players have been airbrushed out of Giants unis and into Padres unis.
Cool stat: Grant was fairly consistently a below-average pitcher, but his 1989 is one of the last seasons a guy ever pitched as many as 116 innings in a season without making any starts.

Man, I don't think either his or Chris Brown's) were airbrushed... If they were, it is an AMAZING job! I think, more likely, the Padres unis were so ugly we just assume that someone painted over it...
I thought Chris Brown was airbrushed but Mark Grant suggests otherwise.
You can identify the D, R, and E of "PADRES" on his uniform underneath the mesh.
Whoa, nice catch David, seeing the Padres shirt clearly under his uniform.
How befuddling of Topps ... the big trade between the Giants and Padres resulted in 2 guys getting airbrushed and 3 other guys posing in their new Padres uniforms AT Candlestick Park!
I'm sure there were several Padres fans that wish Mark had spent more time selling clothes than pitching.
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