Why this card is awesome: Because, hell yeah what a cool card! Such a classic pose, and featuring some really good players as well as a nice view of Fulton County Stadium in the background.
For the record, left to right, I think it's Gerald Perry, Dale Murphy, Ken Griffey, and Dion James. Do I have that right? (I see that right here they think one of those guys is Albert Hall but I don't see it.)
Cool stat: This isn't a stat, but check out how interesting the 1988 Braves pitching staff was, in retrospect. Of course Tom Glavine and John Smoltz stick out as two very young guys who both had bad statistical years and have gone on to have tremendously successful careers with the Braves. HOFer Bruce Sutter was there finishing up his career. Jim Morrison pitched in 3 games. Jim Morrison! The infielder! Lots of other neat stories there--which ones do you notice?

Zane Smith!
and proof that he didn't die, Mr Mojo Risin pitched for Atlanta!!
Break on Through, Braves, break on through
And Morrison only allowed 3 hits, but two of them were triples.
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